Full Testimonial Video
Our clients share their reasons why they entrust us with helping manage and structure their financial lives.
[00:00:00] CIBC Private Wealth Logo displayed. Upbeat music starts playing, it continues in the background for the rest of the video.
[00:00:02] Text displays: “We asked our clients why they chose the Graves Financial Advisory Group”
[00:00:05] Text displays: “And this is what they had to say”
[00:00:08] [Paul Griffith Owner and President, Over the Edge Global displayed on the screen]. Paul is talking in front of the camera with his wife: Dennis and Jon have been always available, right? So whether it's first thing in the morning, whether it's an email at 4:00 in the morning, if I'm up. There's always a return phone call. There's always availability..
[00:00:18] Inaudible video displaying during Paul speaking.
[00:00:19] [Lygia Figueiredo Retired Regional Continuing Care Director, Nova Scotia Health Authority and Joe Figueiredo, Retired VP Sales, Merck Pharmaceuticals, on the screen].
Lygia: Well, they were eating and breathing financial. And so that gives me a level of confidence, saying that they're keeping in touch with what's going on.
[00:00:23] Inaudible video displaying during Lygia speaking.
[00:00:29] [Mark Warren, Partner EastPoint Engineering] Mark Warren: I worked in Poland for four years and there was quite a bit of tax planning strategy and investing strategy that basically it did put me in the position of today financially, which was fantastic.
[00:00:34] Inaudible video displaying during Mark speaking
[00:00:41] [Sue Griffith Owner, Over the Edge Global] Sue Griffith: It was really important for me to be included in the conversations and to understand what was going on, and both Dennis and Jonathan have been spectacular in making sure that I'm clear on our financial position and what accounts we have and what's happening with them. As well as just helping me understand our retirement plan.
[00:00:49] Inaudible video displaying during Sue speaking.
[00:00:59] [Marlene Warren, NSHA retiree] Marlene Warren: We've had a long relationship with first, Dennis is farther then Dennis and now Dennis and Jonathan. There's so much trust involved. I know it's just a phone call if I have any kind of problem and if they don't know the answer, they will certainly find out and let you know. I had no hesitation over the years recommending other people because I had such confidence.
[00:0:08] Inaudible video displaying during Marlene speaking.
[00:01:21] CIBC Private Wealth Management logo displayed with the CIBC Wood Gundy Graves Financial Advisory Group displayed on the same screen]
Warren Family Testimonial
The Warren family discusses their long relationship with the three generations of the Graves family business and ways we've been able to help each of them along the way.
[00:00:00] CIBC Private Wealth Management logo displayed with the CIBC Wood Gundy Graves Financial Advisory Group displayed on the same screen. Upbeat music starts playing, it continues in the background for the rest of the video.
[00:00:02] Text displays: “We asked our clients why they chose the Graves Financial Advisory Group”
[00:00:05] Text displays: “And this is what they had to say”
[00:00:08] [Mark Warren, Partner EastPoint Engineering] Mark Warren: I worked in Poland for four years and it was quite a bit of tax planning strategy and investing strategy that basically put me in the position I'm in today financially, which is fantastic.
[00:00:12] Inaudible video displaying during Mark speaking
[00:00:19] [Marlene Warren, NSHA retiree] Marlene Warren: I had a house in Florida that I had to sell and investments that had to be transferred, and it was done seamlessly through all the help they gave us.
[00:00:25] Inaudible video displaying during Marlene speaking
[00:00:28] Mark Warren: I think the first thing that really comes to mind was my first house. And Dennis really helped me with a plan on how to finance and pay for it and allow me to pay off the house before I sold it. That was fantastic.
[00:00:33] Inaudible video displaying during Mark speaking
[00:00:41] Inaudible video displaying during Mark speaking
[00:00:41] [Scott Warren Owner, TayCar Electric] Scott Warren: The biggest impact with me was at a young age, having invested into the RRSP program. Then when I went to buy my first house, I was able to buy the house and take money from the RRSP homebuyers and have money for a down payment.
[00:00:51] Inaudible video displaying during Scott speaking
[00:00:55] Marlene Warren: I had no hesitation over the years recommending other people because I had such confidence.
[00:01:02] CIBC Private Wealth Management logo displayed with the CIBC Wood Gundy Graves Financial Advisory Group displayed on the same screen.
Joe and Lygia Testimonial
Long time clients Joe & Lygia, discuss their long lasting advisory relationship with three generations of the Graves family, along with what reassures them that they work with right team to achieve their wealth goals.
[00:00:00] CIBC Private Wealth Logo displayed. Upbeat music starts playing, it continues in the background for the rest of the video.
[00:00:02] Text displays: “We asked our clients why they chose the Graves Financial Advisory Group”
[00:00:05] Text displays: “And this is what they had to say”
[00:00:08] Lygia Figueiredo Retired Regional Continuing Care Director, Nova Scotia Health Authority and Joe Figueiredo, Retired VP Sales, Merck Pharmaceuticals, on the screen
Lygia Figueiredo: So, yeah, it's been 30 plus years.
[00:00:10] Joe Figueiredo: Long time.
[00:00:11] Lygia Figueiredo: It's been a long ride. The most recent piece would be my retirement, which seemed to drag on forever. And there were lots of financial changes over that time. You were able to walk us through that and figure out what the best move was. And, yeah, we're happy for that. And we've had confidence from the very beginning because I think the Graves family, think you guys talked about financial issues constantly. It was the Sunday topic. You know, at the dinner table and so they were eating and breathing financial. And so that gives me a level of confidence, saying that they're keeping in touch with what's going on.
[00:00:12] Inaudible video displaying during Lygia speaking.
[00:00:21] Inaudible video displaying during Lygia speaking.
[00:00:32] Inaudible video displaying during Lygia speaking.
[00:00:40] Inaudible video displaying during Lygia speaking.
[00:00:51] CIBC Private Wealth Management logo displayed with the CIBC Wood Gundy Graves Financial Advisory Group displayed on the same screen.
Feedback from Clients part 1
Cathi-Jo discusses her confidence in the service we provide to our clients.
[0:00] Upbeat music starts lightly in background, continues through entire video.
[0:00] Cathi-Jo Meyers: Some of the feedback I (have) received about Graves Group from clients is that they’re treated like family.
[0:06] Cathi-Jo continues to speak through various images, background music continues.
[0:06] Cathi-Jo Meyers: The Graves Group wants to know what’s happening with their kids, grandkids, what vacations they’re going on. This resonated with me so much that I introduced my parents to Dennis and John. And they’ve told me they have complete trust in Dennis and John, and that makes me feel very confident in their financial future.
[0:22] Text displayed: learn more at gravesgroup.ca
[0:24] CIBC Private Wealth Logo displayed along with text that reads: CIBC Private Wealth consists of services provided by CIBC and certain of its subsidiaries, including CIBC Wood Gundy, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. The CIBC logo and “CIBC Private Wealth” are trademarks of CIBC, used under license. “Wood Gundy” is a registered trademark of CIBC World Markets Inc. If you are currently a CIBC Wood Gundy client, please contact your Investment Advisor.
Feedback from Clients part 2
Joanne discusses the feedback she had received from our clients regarding the advice we offer.
[0:00] Upbeat music starts lightly in background, continues through entire video.
[0:00] Joanne McFeters: Some of the feedback that I’ve received from our clients really focuses on the trust that we have as a team…
[0:06] Joanne continues to speak through various images, background music continues.
[0:06] Joanne McFeters: … and the relationships we’ve built with our clients. I worked with Dennis well over 20 years ago, and some of the clients that I worked with then are still clients that I work with today. They call, they need something, their comments are “whatever Dennis and John think.” I think that is a true testament to what our relationship is about with our clients and our team. It really comes down to trust.
[0:27] Text displayed: learn more at gravesgroup.ca
[0:29] CIBC Private Wealth Logo displayed along with text that reads: CIBC Private Wealth consists of services provided by CIBC and certain of its subsidiaries, including CIBC Wood Gundy, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. The CIBC logo and “CIBC Private Wealth” are trademarks of CIBC, used under license. “Wood Gundy” is a registered trademark of CIBC World Markets Inc. If you are currently a CIBC Wood Gundy client, please contact your Investment Advisor.