Our Personalized Approach to Wealth Management
Dennis takes a deeper dive into our unique approach to portfolio management
[0:00] Upbeat music starts lightly in background, continues through entire video.
[0:00] Dennis Graves: I started managing people’s wealth back in 1986. At first, as a mutual fund sales representative, then as an investment advisor and now as a portfolio manager.
[0:09] Dennis continues to speak through various images, background music continues.
[0:09] Dennis Graves: One of the things that I am most passionate as a Wealth Manager and a Portfolio Manager is that I’m able to structure client’s portfolio around their individual circumstances and needs. So whether it’s interest, dividends or capital gains and how they are taxed, it’s very important that I understand all aspects of your life and goals in order to structure the portfolio uniquely around those demands.
[0:36] Text displayed: learn more at gravesgroup.ca
[0:38] CIBC Private Wealth Logo displayed along with text that reads: CIBC Private Wealth consists of services provided by CIBC and certain of its subsidiaries, including CIBC Wood Gundy, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. The CIBC logo and “CIBC Private Wealth” are trademarks of CIBC, used under license. “Wood Gundy” is a registered trademark of CIBC World Markets Inc. Clients are advised to seek advice regarding their particular circumstances from their personal tax and legal advisors. If you are currently a CIBC Wood Gundy client, please contact your Investment Advisor.